Saint Kitts and Nevis, officially known as the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis, is an island country in the West Indies that gained independence in 1983. This beautiful two-island nation is blessed with tropical temperatures, clear blue waters and a good trade and tourism. It is well-connected by direct flights to and from Europe and the United States, and offers residents and citizens sought-after advantages, such as dual citizenship and tax-free worldwide income.
The St. Kitts & Nevis (St. Christopher & Nevis) Citizenship by Investment Program was established in 1984 under the regulations of the 1984 Citizenship Act, Part II, Section 3 (5), which makes it the oldest citizenship by investment program in the world.
Holders of the St. Kitts & Nevis passport enjoy visa-free travel to more than 152 countries, including the Schengen zone states, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Singapore and many more.
Visit the following link to explore the list of no visa requirement countries.
- Government: Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy
- Capital: Basseterre
- Population: 53,000
- Dialling code: 869
- Area: 267 km²
- Currency: East Caribbean Dollar (XCD) 1 USD = 2.7 XCD
- Official language: English
- Temperature average: 23º Celsius in winter season and 30º Celsius in summer